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ICICN 2023

The 11th IEEE International Conference on Information, Communication, and Networks was held on Aug 18th in Xi'an, Shaanxi province in Northwest China. 

ICICN 2023 is sponsored by Northwestern Polytechnical University, South University of Science and Technology of China, Beijing University of Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xidian University, and Nanchang Hangkong University, co-sponsored by IEEE, IEEE Photonics Society, IEEE China Council SEN SYSC Jt. Chapter, and IEEE Xi‘an Section BT Chapter, organized by the School of Automation at Northwestern Polytechnical University, with patrons from Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an University of Technology, Macau University of Science and Technology, among others.

IEEE 第十一届信息、通信和网络国际会议(ICICN 2023)于2023年8月17-20日在中国陕西西安举行。本次会议由西北工业大学、南方科技大学、北京工业大学、西安电子科技大学、西安交通大学、南昌航空大学主办,IEEE、IEEE光子学会、IEEE China Council SEN SYSC Jt. Chapter、IEEE Xi’an Section BT Chapter协办,西北工业大学自动化学院承办,澳门科技大学、西安理工大学、陕西师范大学等支持。



* Proceedings information, ISBN: 979-8-3503-1400-7

* ICICN 2023 is listed in IEEE conference Calendar | ICICN 2023 进入IEEE官方会议列表 (Read more)














Young Scientist Awards

Yan Lyu, Beijing University of Technology, China

Cong Wang, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Jing Zhou, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


Best Paper Awards
N108-Key Technologies on High-capacity Satellite Imagery Compression
Huoneng Fang, Pengfei Han, and Huachao Xiao

N238-Resilience Enhancement for Transmission Lines with Circuit Breakers under Exogenous Uncertainties
Xinghua Liu, Xiang Yang, Beibei Li, Yanbin Xu, Hanyuan Huang, and Jiaqi Li

N269-Power-Efficient Constellations with Capacity Approximating Constraints
Linqiong Jia, Feng Shu, Jun Li, Yijin Zhang, Linqing Gui and Jiangzhou Wang

Best Student Paper Awards

N185-Re-Enhancing Fuzzy Clustering for Medical Image Segmentation
Xin Tan, and Cong Wang

N172-Bidirectional Guided Policy Search for Aircraft Maneuver
Yunfan Wang, Xian Guo, Kuihua Huang, and Xuebo Zhang

N169-Multivariate Time Series Forecasting Based on Fuzzy Information Granulation and LSTM
Dan Zhao, and Huorong Ren

Best Oral Presentations

N288-Jun Zhang
Metal Crack Sensor Based on Ring Resonator Coupled Slow Wave Structure

N15-6-Xin Wang
Dimensional Location-and-Pose Detection Based on Visible Light Communications: The Impact of Diffuse-Scattering Environments

N173-Haijing Lu
Distributed Deep Reinforcement Learning based Network Slice Handoff Algorithm for Tasks with Finite Buffer Model
N67- Chenxi Xie
Environment Mapping Based on mmWave MIMO OFDM Communication Systems towards 6G Integrated Communication and Sensing

N284-Xin Fang
Optical Fiber Strain Sensor Based on Optical Vernier Effect

N40-A-Li Zhiwei
A 24-Electrode Three-Dimensional Electrical Impedance Tomography System

N12-Tong Liu
An Efficient Mathematical Method for Recovery of Tampered Image Content

N94-Aiyuan Zhong
Optimization of Post-Disaster Emergency Supplies Distribution Path with Time Windows under Multiple Environmental Factors

N189-Zhaoyu Zhang
Improvement Reinforcement Learning for Solving Multisensor Collaborative Scheduling Problems

N303-Muhammad Zulkifal Aziz
An AMCMD Approach for Robust EEG Signal Classification: Unraveling Neurophysiological Insights and BCI Applications

N46- Jingchen Wang
Conformal Strongly Coupled Magnetic Resonance Wireless Power Transfer with Printed Double-D Coils

Best Poster Presentations

N92-Yuewei Shen
Visualization Approach for Generating Electromagnetic Situation Corresponding to Frequency and Color Method

N120-Han Wang
GFSPP-YOLO: A Light YOLO Model Based on Group Fast Spatial Pyramid Pooling

N214-Zenghua Liu
Denoising Algorithm for Magneto Acoustic Emission Signals Based on CEEMDAN-Wavelet Packet Thresholding

N296-Bocheng Wang
Reinforcement Learning Adaptive Kalman Filter for AE Signal’s AR-mode Denoise

N27-Xinyan Shang
Side-Channel Analysis and Countermeasures of Domestic Block Cipher uBlock

N286-Hancong Wu
A TinyML-based system for prosthetic control

N37-Ting Wang
Time-series Data Modeling Guided by Visual Information

N279-Jiaxi Ying
Network Topology Inference with Sparsity and Laplacian Constraints

N18-Lin Zhu
Research on Header Compression Technology and Application of IP Bearer Network Evolving to SRv6

N96-Ying Han
A Portable Inertial Navigation System Calibration Module Based on Two Dimension Revolving Platform and Multiaspect Prismatic Body

N71-Senwen Luo
Research on RF Characteristics and Electromagnetic Radiation Safety Compliance of 5G mmWave Base Station Based on OTA

N61-Qimei Sun
A Robust Receiver Comprising Turbid Water for LD-Based UOWC System